Okay, Daveman tagged me with one of these, so here goes. I really am not a big fan of these…things (What are they called, and why?), but since I am a good sport I will try to think of 7 people that I can tag with it. I think that since Ashley and Nicole don’t […] Before I get to Daveman’s tag or meme or whatever you call it, I will share with you the story of how I became known as Mayor Biff, first in the training class, then later it just sort of spread, thanks, at least in part, to Cindy saying, “Hiya Mayor Biff!” as we passed in […] Sorry I haven’t been around. Margaret’s sister, Janet, is moving in with us and becoming one of the cast and has brought her new computer with her. I have typed more than two sentences and it hasn’t locked up on me, i can hear sounds and the picture is clear! What a concept. I will […] Okay, we have a new and improved, highly superior computer system now!! Woo-hoo! The only thing the thing it cannot do is make more time for everything that needs to be done. There is still homework to help with (One day soon, probably after Open House, I will write a little about Abigail’s start of […] This entry is going to have to be done in installments because over the last couple of days I have had a lot of things going on, including out-of-town guests and a reunion with a great friend and super teacher, so, stay tooned, kiddos. >>>>>>>>> There are days when I really hate computers, but then I realize that it’s just mine that I hate. I guess I like them all right as a group, it’s just this one certain individual that I don’t like. Well, I guess it’s more of a love/hate relationship, really. The computer does keep me connected […] Well, I have finished making my morning rounds of everyone’s blogs. I use that as an excuse to not write in my own. “Oops,” says Herb, “Ran out of time this morning, guys, reading all of your entries and didn’t have time to write mine.” Not a bad excuse, except that Herb says that I […] Here are a couple of things I’ve been wondering about lately. Is there an appropriate number of responses to an e-mail? When you e-mail someone and begin a discussion, he or she will write back, you answer with a question, they respond, you ask something else, in what you suppose to be a conversational fashion, […] Sorry I haven’t updated in a few days, but Tabitha had to have her appendix out. Normally this is a day in and a day out, but she had some extra pains that they wanted to watch, but now that everything is normal, I have rushed right to the keyboard to tell you all about […] August 2005 – The Haps With Herb

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Month: August 2005

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