I Possess A Sly and Wily Scheme

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23216 – 1152

Here’s the haps:

I need to write. I also like to blog and one of the reasons I started blogging was to exercise my writing, which I’m not doing enough. I also love humor, memes, cartoons, jokes, and especially puns.

If I were ever punished
For every little pun I shed
I’d hie me to a punny shed
And there I’d hang my punnish head

Attributed to Samuel Johnson

My clever strategy intends to post something more frequently, even if it is just meme dumps. I have so many saved that I haven’t used I could probably start a separate blog just for that but I don’t need another site to maintain and besides, I like having you here. It seems that my standard meme dumps have been around a baker’s dozen (13 if you aren’t familiar with the phrase). That seems to be the number that I can stand before I start to wander away myself, so I will likely be doing more meme dumps but not the oversized ones.

“Don’t talk about it; write.”

Ray Bradbury

“The main thing about writing is… writing. Sitting your butt down in the chair and doing the work.”

Ben Fountain

“Miracles are in the wings, in the ink of unopened typewriter ribbons, craving release.”

Joyce Carol Oates

Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after thee, Benjamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zebulun they that handle the pen of the writer.

(Judges 5:14)


  1. You like puns! – that is the understatement of the day!
    This from ‘Author Unknown’: Why do writers have to tell the truth?
    Because if not, they would be called wrongers.

  2. Fiction is the root of all happiness, keep writing and making stuff up. It’s a tortured existence, one of a writer. Hemmingway said to be one is to; ” sit down at the typewriter and bleed.” I get it.

  3. Misery loves company lol. Wondering why puns get such a bad rap. We all love them. Maybe we’re just jealous we didn’t come up with it first?

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