A Few Memes For Throw It Back Thursday

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23217 – 1153

Here’s the haps:

I am working on a couple of projects right now but I also have more memes saved than I could ever possibly post in any useful fashion. Therefore, here for your perusal are an assorted and curated baker’s dozen of things I found funny and/or thought-provoking. Please enjoy.


    • I’ve not heard it much myself and where I’m from you’d think I would have. I heard a lot of German but very little Polish. That I know what it was, I guess.

  1. Regarding silence and toddlers, my daughter was three years old and after some time her mother and I noticed the silence. Going to the back hall of our house, Mikki heard me coming and quickly hung up the telephone.
    “??? Who was on the phone, honey?”
    “No one.”
    Then the phone rang and the long distance operator explained a caller from our phone had dialed the Philippines. The receiver did not know English so contacted the international operator somehow to find out who was calling and why.
    The operator realized Mikki was a child and had been trying for 15 minutes to get our daughter to ask her parents to come to the phone.😂
    If you haven’t heard from your 3-year-old for five minutes, go find out WHY!

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