NaBloPoMo – Day 14 – It Should Be Sold By The Gallon

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22563 – 876

Here’s the haps:

Finally. A product that is so needed by vehicle owners, especially Audi or Lexus (is the plural of Lexus Lexii?) and other higher-end vehicles. The owner’s manual probably has instructions for changing it but nobody ever reads those, do they? But you would think when they take their car in for service that the technician (They used to be mechanics but now they are technicians) would include it in the inspection. Anyway, was I ever happy to find this:


  1. I saving theis picture and whenever I stop at a light I’ll show it to the guy in front of me who forgets(?) his signal Just to let him know it’s available. Rude? Siure but somebody needs to wake up the world.
    Sometimes You just gotta laugh

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