Memeingful Mudgeonly Monday – Duct Tape Edition

(For the record, Duck is the original brand name of this type of tape.)

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23086 – 1127

Dear Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Faithful Followers, Fellow Bloggers, and Everybody Else,

Here’s the haps:

Margy over at Amusives was talking about how her husband, The Car Guy, declared that her vacuum cleaner of ten years was deceased. In the comments, I recalled how I had a sergeant one time tell me that you only needed 2 items in your toolbox, duct tape and WD-40. If it moves and it isn’t supposed to, duct tape. If it doesn’t move and it’s supposed to, WD-40. If WD-40 doesn’t work, use a hammer. Back in 2009, I did a post about Duck tape.

Actually, there are four tool groups, Duct Tape, WD-40, Hammers, and Baling Wire/Binder Twine/Zip Ties. But these memes are about the first two.

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