Happy Birthday, Willy Shaking Spear!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23453 – 1207

Hi Gang! The problems with the website are getting better but not perfect. Still working on what to delete. Mostly memes with alphabet soup for names. Many of my personal favorites will resurface, of course. The weekend included copious gobs of grandchilders so nothing computer or blog wise got done, of course. then this morning I got this notification from The Google:

Here’s the haps:

Forsooth but this engendered a guffaw most raucous from my person. ‘Tis “Talk Like Shakespeare Day” but I prepared not for this auspicious event. Fear not, however, because I found this, which I first saw on DryBar Comedy on Youtube (funny, pretty clean comedy. No F-bomb humor, etc.) which is longer than I usually include but really enjoyed. It’s nine and a half minutes of fun so please enjoy:


  1. I find my self disliking Google as much as MSN. So what’s an old guy to do? Shakespeare started the whole acting writing thing, so we have him to thank for Hollywood and lousy novels. Pretty sure he would be appalled. Good post for reminding us.

    • lol. Well, I tried channeling him. I attempted to speak Elizabethan English wherever I went but I didn’t get out much. 😁

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