Yellowstone National Park on the Blogging A – Z Challenge

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 23070 – 1118

Here’s the haps:

So my son’s family and my wife’s favorite cousin have both done this trip and it will, I’m hoping, be my turn sooner than later. Yellowstone National Park has the distinction of being the first national park in the world. Before you ask, I know nothing about the show named after the territory.

2.2 million acres of pretty much untouched land. I converted this to square miles and it turned out to 3437.5 square miles(8903.08413 sq km). When I read this I didn’t believe it at first but yes, it really is that big. Larger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined. 10,000 hydrothermal features like geysers, boiling mud pots, hot springs, and fumaroles. There are 500 geysers in the park which is over half the geysers in the world. The hot springs are dangerous and there are reasons they are so strict about you staying on the designated paths and boardwalks. There are places so hot and acidic that they can dissolve a human body in a day. 290 waterfalls and if you’re into hiking there are over a thousand miles of trails to choose from.

The park sprawls into 3 states, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, and was a national park almost 20 years before any of them became official states. If you drive what is referred to as “The Grand Loop” it is 142 miles and reaching many of the things people want to see. There are 466 miles of roads total.

There were a lot of videos and photos on the internet but I am thinking this is one of those things you have to see for yourself in order to believe. One more note, wild animals are not tame. That sounds like a silly thing to say but there are several stories a year about tourists trying to take a selfie with some animal or other. Bison look slow and docile and people think they are tame as cows (which, depending on the breed are no prize to mess with, either) and get way too close and wind up getting gored. The rule of thumb that a ranger talked about in the Mount Evans video is really pretty wise. Hold your arm out at full length with your thumb up. If you can hide the animal with your thumb you’re usually at a good distance. These kind of photos are ones to invest in. Get a good zoom lens or whatever and get your shot from a safe distance.

What did the father buffalo say when his male offspring left home? Bison.

Likelihood of this happening within the next year: 0+%
Likelihood of this happening in my lifetime (Lord willing, of course): 87%
Likelihood of running into someone I know or met on the Internet: ??%

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