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Fate of the Mightiest Nation

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 223021 – 1072

Here’s the haps:

Hudson and Landry were a comedy duo from the early seventies that started as radio disc jockeys. Some of their stuff is really hysterically funny. Some bits are not as funny or shocking as when they came out and a few of their sketches are very dated products of their times and downright inappropriate. I recently got their 3 CD Greatest Hits collection and recalled some of the more famous pieces and that it is as I have just described to you. There are some that are worthy of this audience and I will probably share a few but I don’t want to do that right now. I would ask you to take five and a half minutes to listen to this piece and perhaps a moment or two to reflect on it.

Five and a half minutes long, it reinforced a few things I feel and know. Parallels that fit all too well. It’s not funny and is very different from any other piece in the collection. I’ve listened to it a few times now and it still speaks to me. My Conservative friends will probably call me a liberal hippie and my Liberal friends will say I’m overly conservative. Some of my friends in the middle will get it but some won’t see it.

Written by Pulitzer Prize winner Russell Baker (the only piece they didn’t write themselves), I take you back to 1973 and Hudson and Landry, Bob Hudson reading, Fate of the Mightiest Nation:


14 responses to “Fate of the Mightiest Nation”

  1. What days those were! I was impressed you still have Lib friends. All of mine decided I was too stupid to spend time with. Well, one guy who I pay to do odd jobs. He’s still here!

    1. I just avoid conversations that are going to be fruitless. I can’t imagine anyone knowing you well enough to be called your friend thinking you’re stupid. I can imagine them disagreeing with you, possibly vehemently.

      1. Maybe it’s just California libs. No, anyone who doesn’t agree with them must be stupid. Sigh. Sorry I digressed.

        1. Lol, digression is good sometimes. I get annoyed by, “Back in California they did…” whatever. If it was so great, why don’t you go back there?

  2. Amber Hahn Avatar

    It’s terrible the tragedy of humanity that can willingly cast aside others for their selfishness and be so uncaring

    1. History repeats itself.

    1. There are a lot of parallels between the Romans and us.

      1. Although they probably built better roads.

        1. That is true.

  3. I don’t know whether I am somewhat comforted or incredibly frustrated that this was poignant in 1973, before I was born, and here we are still limping along, and it’s as poignant as ever.

    1. Good point.

  4. That was interesting. I don’t doubt that many saw the US in that light in the early 70s. None of the things described are any less descriptive of this land today.

    1. Sad, but true.

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