41 Years and The Gecko Gets Us

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22404 – 841:

Here’s the haps:

My Dear Readers, Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Family, Foundlings, Frogs, Hairy Frogs, and Freaks of Nature,

Greetings. I apologize for not writing sooner. Last week my wife and I celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary. A beautiful milestone and I took off some days so we could have some quality time together. We planned a sort of staycation thing since Daughter was going out of town with family for family.

We didn’t get to go so many places or do as much this year because of her health and because of a very ridiculous error by a well-known insurance company I formerly did business with. I will name names in the coming days but right now I am crafting a formal complaint letter to our state’s Division of Insurance, the Better Business Bureau, and the CEO of the company who is neither a lizard or green as far as I can tell. I even plan to leave a Google review. Perhaps those cutesy eyes and Australian(?) accent are a ruse to lead us into thinking they are peaceful. I have been very angry about this situation, which, we believe, is finally coming to a close and has nothing to do with the accident settlement.

Anyway, I do have some pictures of dubious quality to share with you in a short time, hopefully in the next couple of days. I just have this to do right now.


  1. First, congratulations on your 41st anniversary. Second, considering the serious nature of all your upcoming correspondence, you are blessed to be a professional writer.

    • First, it is wonderful to read of a long and successful marriage. Blessings to you both! Second, I have been on both sides of insurance claims disputes. All companies can be either fair or oppressive, depending on who is handling a claim. But the likelihood of oppressive rises with certain companies. The Lizard company has been in my average classification and not in my rogues gallery. But as they say in the commercials, your mileage may vary. Good luck!

      • Thanks. I have been on both sides as well but this was not even about a claim, it was about getting billed after cancelling the policy.

  2. I hope the insurance settlement is soon sorted Herb. PS our (my wife and I, not you and I – that would just be silly) 41st wedding anniversary was four weeks ago – you wouldn’t credit it huh? I’ll raise a glass to you both.

  3. Wow, wish you good luck in the fight against insurance companies. I know how hard it is. You have to be persistent. As I often help people (my language challenged friends) to make phone calls, I know how patient and persistent you have to be in order to deal with these people. Have the good fight and win.
    And wish you a great anniversary. Is 40 to 50 years considered silver? You must be such a wonderful husband.

  4. All the best, Herb! Insurance companies are a pain. After a devastating hail storm, our house had all kinds of damage and the insurance company was only willing to do a few “roof repairs”. My husband threatened to go to the press, and we ended up with a new roof and new siding which we legitimately deserved to have. Also, congrats on the anniversary. That’s an impressive milestone.

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