Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho It’s Back To Work I Go

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22144 – 716:

Some of you may recall that I had started job hunting a couple of months ago. I have been increasingly disappointed by the lack of hours the office supply store was giving me, down to a few hours one day a week and sometimes no hours a week. So, I am going to work at the big brother of the big blue box I used to work for. The big blue box was one I felt ambivalent about but the local store management and one assistant, in particular, made it a dread to go to work. When she chewed me out one night in front of a line of customers in a packed store, I quit the next day. My good friend, fellow Sunday School teacher, and all-round good guy had left a different store in the chain for reasons of his own. He was now in management at a call center and encouraged me to apply. I would probably still be there if they had not lost a major contract.

Anyway, when I left the big blue box it was on good terms with all the people who counted, including the assistant who checked the box on the computer (because I did things the right way and gave them an exit interview and was respectful) that said, “Rehire – Yes – No” with a yes. (She ticked the box for all of my English speaking audience) I think I shall refer to the new place as Big Blue’s Kissin’ Cousin (not the little green sister). It is something like a lateral move because it’s the same type of work I’m doing now and the pay rate is the same but there will be more; and more consistent, hours.

There will be adjustments to my blogging as I get settled in on a new routine but I plan to keep my commitment to post every day. For a while the quality may go down a little as I develop a different rhythm of life.

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