I am sitting looking at what; in the days gone by, would have been a blank sheet of paper in the typewriter. How did Sir Arthur write all of his stories longhand? They say that if you want to write you should just sit down and do it. Maybe. I was reading a book about […] >>>>>>>>********< >>******** Now, I do not know what newspapers you have in your town or area, Here we have 3, 4 if you count The Independent, the free liberal paper (the Denver liberal paper you have to pay for.) but I have discovered a journalistic source of news that is definitely “The Most Reliable Paper In The […] Ten pounds, twelve ounces! That’s 9 pounds over birth weight! She spent most of the day off of oxygen until her exercises, then she had to have it. Since my parents were here she has been able to get out more. As I get more pix I will, of course, post them. I just finished […] Okay folks, first comes, “sorry about the silence the last few days.” As many of you know, it takes a lot of time to write a halfway decent entry and while some people can do it all the time, many more of us are only able to come up with enough stuff to make a […] An incident happened with my dad that I thought was somewhat strange. I do not know if you will recall my talking about my dad’s brother, Herbert, http://herbthiel.blogdrive.com/archive/19.html for whom I was named. Well, while he was here I printed of the web page that I think one of my cousins put together (the contact […] An incident happened with my dad that I thought was somewhat strange. I do not know if you will recall my talking about my dad’s brother, Herbert, http://herbthiel.blogdrive.com/archive/19.html for whom I was named. Well, while he was here I printed of the web page that I think one of my cousins put together (the contact […] One of the books I have read recently is The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams. This book is, I think, intended for diehard Adams fans that have read most of his other work. If you have read at least three of the five books in the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy trilogy and perhaps […] The highlights of the trip for the grandparents were, of course, seeing the new great-grandbaby. She is over 9 pounds now! They were really excited to be able to hold her. What a strange and wonderful thing to think that 4 generations were all together under one roof. My dad was born on May 1, […] April 2005 – The Haps With Herb

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Month: April 2005

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