Feelin’ Dandy

October 3, 2020 Herb 12
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22156 – 725: Dear And Beloved Fans, Friends, Fiends, Foes, Foundlings, Fairies, Fearies, Frogs, Flower Children, And Other Assorted Woodland And Urban Creatures And People, Felicitous salutations to you all. (That means, “Howdy!) I have been having a good Continue Reading[...]

Here I Am – Back At It Again

October 3, 2020 Herb 20
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22153 – 724: Well, I missed a couple of days this week for which I do sincerely apologize but, along with the funky-wunky schedule and getting a lot more hours than I have in recent times past, my wife Continue Reading[...]