Aaannndd…He’s Back!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22997 – 1061

Greetings, Salutations, Howdy Ya’ll, and, Hi There Herbophiles and Herbophobes,

Here’s the haps:

Stepping away from the cyber world for a while was nice. I was actually going to be back a bit earlier but we wound up having the one-year-old grandbaby come for a visit for a few days and he requires a constant and vigilant eye. Not just to keep him safe but in case he does something cute. I am one of his favorite people in the whole world so it was a lot of fun. But left no time for cyber-anything.

My plan is to go through the comments here and try to respond where appropriate, then check the WP Reader and then visit the blogs I frequent “in person” so to speak. It may take a bit of time to get those things done and I don’t know how many “backissues” I will be able to get to although there are probably a few I will try. I’m having trouble deciding whether to carry on with the Bloguary prompts or not. I’ve missed a good portion of them by now but I may “unofficially” carry on and do some of the ones that really capture my attention.

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