Meme Dump

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22824 – 993

Here’s the haps:

We have been battling sickness here and I have been off of work. At first, it was Covid but for me, it turned into a very nasty bronchitis with a very severe cough. I’ve been to the doctor three times but it’s getting better. I also got Pinkeye and have to put in eyedrops four times a day.

I have been drinking tea. Well, I don’t know if I would be up to standard with my several friends from the U.K. since it’s all herbal teas with a spoon of honey in them in a big mug, but the warmth of the liquid going down soothes my throat so we can call it what you’d like. Never fear, I still drink coffee but it’s not the same when you’re sick.

Codeine Cough syrup, steroids, and everything else, including Covid Brain have affected my creativity a little bit so, I’m sorry, but here are sixteen memes from my ever-growing collection. I’ll put a number in the caption since I have gotten the impression that some readers would like that.

**** Edit/Add Herbdate 23448 – I’m sorry I had to remove the memes associated with this post but I have been having trouble with some files as noted here. Memes will be re-added later elsewhere after intense renaming. Sorry again. ****

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