Throw It Back Thursday: I Adopted A Cross Between A Werewolf And The Loch Ness Monster…

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22580 – 893

Here’s the haps:

There are a lot of things going on in life at the moment that are very distracting. As I get permission I will likely share some with you. I have been enjoying meeting everyone here and I am becoming addicted to the little “You are on such and such a day streak” buttons, too. Since it’s Thursday and I used to have a habit of doing something pun and interesting on Thursdays and calling it “Throw It Back Thursday” I thought I would dig in the archives for a little humor. What‽ I heard that! Who said, “Very little, Herb‽” Well! Anyway, a few fossils I have resurrected for your perusing pleasure follow.

Oh, what happened when I adopted a cross between a werewolf and the Loch Ness Monster? Well, let’s just say I’m trying to raise a were-ness.

The CEO of Ikea was recently elected prime minister of Sweden.
What’s he doing now?
He’s still assembling his cabinet.

I can’t remember how to write the Roman Numerals for 1, 1000, 51, 6, and 500.

There were only two podiatrists in our small town and they just could not get along. They were arch-rivals.

My dad can lick your dad!
Big deal. So can my mom.

And finally, beware of the English language:
Husband: What’s wrong, dear?
Wife: What makes you think something’s wrong?
Husband: Your sighs

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