Phew! Made It! And Are My Grandchildren Aliens Now‽

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22374 – 834:

Here’s the haps:

You love ’em but, oh boy! Well, this particular episode in the adventure of life comes to a close. I am a little concerned about the two older grandchildren, now, though. On their way back my daughter wanted to go see Roswell, NM where it is purported by some that an alien spacecraft crashed in the late nineteen-fifties. It is said that the government took the alien craft and bodies of aliens and have them hidden in a secret military base called Area 51. Other people say that it’s been proven over and over again that the only thing that crashed there was a new type of weather balloon. But who’s to say that they are just government shills? I mean, this picture of them calmly sitting in front of an alien spaceship was posted in the tribal text:

Well, the toddler has gone to Pueblo now and this is how I felt:

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