Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: K Is For Khaki Campbell Duck Eggs = Yummy To Da Tummy!

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22348 – 813:

Here’s the haps:

Many of you who are regular readers of this blog are familiar with my son’s blog, Brother’s Campfire, in fact, some of you came to me because you read him. He writes fiction stories in installments. His current one is Steampunk and his previous one was more of a Dark Ages/Medieval Fantasy. Besides telling his stories, regular readers of his blog also know that he is an urban farmer. Last year he purchased some ducks of a breed called “Khaki Campbell.” He picked them because apparently, they have a reputation for being good layers. Now that they’ve matured it appears that this is true.

On Friday our tribal text buzzed with the message, “Anyone need duck eggs?” He had over 5 dozen above what he needed for his family. We volunteered to help unburden him and took some off his hands.

It was very generous of him and we really appreciated them a lot. Especially when they turned into this:

They didn’t taste a lot different from chicken eggs although Ben did say that, depending on their diet, the flavor can change some. The eggs’ size would be comparable to an extra-large or Jumbo store-bought chicken egg. I had this hardy meal for dinner tonight. As I teach the kids to say, (rub your belly) “Yummy To Da Tummy!”

Thanks Ben!

It’s in the air

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