Spam And Bears

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22135 – 706:

It appears that whenever someone likes something on your blog WordPress sends out an email saying something to the effect of, “Herb liked your post, ‘why clickbait titles work and why you should use them all the time.’ You should go and see what they’re up to.” Then it picks a few random posts as suggestions. I guess this is kind of nice but some of the links go to older posts. I had changed my comment settings a while back to include the closing of comments on posts older than 14 days. I had done that for the spammers who seemed to want to always leave their marking on certain older posts. Akismet always caught them but I don’t know what they hope to gain. Do they get some sort of credit from their criminal overlords if they leave a link that may never be seen?

Changing that setting has changed the amount of spam I have been getting (I DON’T LIKE SPAM!) in my spam folder and making it easier to fish out legitimate comments. I’ve loosened it up a bit to 32 days and will see what happens. I like comments, as I’ve said many times but I DON’T LIKE SPAM! Well, I suppose I could stand some spam and eggs every once in a while.

In other news, I am sure that the bear that has been around is the large male. Here are some pics of what I found this morning. At first, I was afraid he had hit the neighbor’s car with one of the cans but it didn’t. When I get some money sometime I’m going to get a trail-cam or some other sort of camera and take some video but until then I’ll post the images of the aftermath.

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