When I got that first job at the drugstore back in 1974 (see the entry “Changed”), I learned a lot. I don’t know how much I knew I was learning at the time, but I think back and a few things stand out. I learned: If you get out of bed early on Saturday morning […] Thanks to all of you for your kind words and encouraging comments and everyone’s support. I especially wish to thank Pops, for writing so eloquently and often poignantly about his father’s last days. It has been comforting in this time since mom has gotten sick. She is steadily declining to the point where I have […] Not much time to update since the laptop went belly-up but here are a couple of things, “hot off the wire.” Mom was in the hospital last couple of days, didn’t sound very good at all, but they pulled her through. My brothers, who live there in Shawano area, had to choose a nursing home […] I have said before that Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 is probably one of the most important books a person can and should read. While Orwell’s 1984 may be more accurate I think Bradbury leaves us with a true glimmer of hope, which Orwell does not. Both books should be read by every member of every […] Whether to adress the comments I have received in the comments section or as another entry was difficult. Apparently blogging is like everything else in life, people hear what they want to hear and read what they want to read. The comments on part II indicate a lack of understanding of part I, thus, part […] Thank you to everyone that commented on my post about the marriage definition amendment. I had not planned on doing another post about it anytime soon, but having read these comments I would like to address a couple of points before going on to something else because I believe that what people said was sincere. […] People who oppose a constitutional amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman are wrong. This issue is being touted by the media as a ban on gay marriage who say anyone who supports the measure hates gays, which is not the truth, but an example of the standard these days for the pap […] July 2006 – The Haps With Herb

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Month: July 2006

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