Blogging A – Z Challenge 2021: F is for Foto Blogs

Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22342 – 808:

Here’s the haps:

Yes, yes, yes, I know but in English, the “ph” usually makes an “F” sound and I am down to the wire. Well, I’m just down to get a sleep study done tonight so I won’t be on the computer at my usual times. I asked my wife to tell me some “F” words and between us, we came up with several, all with promise and which I might come back to later. Freedom, Fish, Fishing, Ferreting, Family, Finger, Flatulence, Foo-Foo, Fat, and Fridge. We ended up our little brainstorming session with her asking, “Why doesn’t a fir tree grow furs?”

A couple of these have been featured on Award Winning Wednesdays (Which I plan to return to in a few weeks) already but I still really like them. These aren’t all strictly photoblogs, either but they do rely on pictures taken by the blogger or drawn by the blogger for a good part of their content. I have them all set to open in a new window or tab because that’s how I like links on other sites that I visit. All of these sites were, at my last visit, G-rated but as usual, I obviously cannot be responsible for what happens when you leave here. I have seen it where a blogger has been G-Rated the whole time I’ve read them but then one day they change. In no specific order:

Into The Light Adventures

Gerry O’Brien

Maria Vincent Robinson

Allan Gould

Bear Humphreys Photo

Hunter the Traveling Panda

Erratic Engineeress

Ron’s life through the lens

Steve’s Country

Be Kitschig

i know i made you smile

Michael Stephen Wills Professional Photography

Wrong Hands

Clean Memes


  1. Thanks for the shoutout Herb. Hope your sleep study went well. Foto spelling looks good to me. We had a radio announcer who sait Fish is spelled ghtio gh as in rough and tio as in attention. Stay well. Allan

    • Thanks. the technician isn’t allowed to give me any kind of results or interpretation so I have to wait for the doc. I have seen that spelling of fish or something similar somewhere, good one.

  2. My goodness, I didn’t realize I was getting so far behind, sorry Herb! And thank you so much for the mention in your list, very much appreciated!!😃😸📷

  3. I like the idea of exploring fir trees. Maybe we could revisit the topic when you get to p? Then you can quietly swap the fotos post with the one on phir trees and nobody will be the wiser.

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