Spam And Bears

September 12, 2020 Herb 27
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22135 – 706: It appears that whenever someone likes something on your blog WordPress sends out an email saying something to the effect of, “Herb liked your post, ‘why clickbait titles work and why you should use them all Continue Reading[...]

Where I Was On 9/11/2001

September 11, 2020 Herb 11
Herb’s Blog, Herbdate 22134 – 705: I can remember walking over to the bus stop with my kids. There is quite a busy street that feeds into Fort Carson called South Academy Boulevard and they were young so I would walk them Continue Reading[...]

A New Word I learned Today

September 7, 2020 Herb 21
Herb’s Blog Herbdate 22130 – 701: Today I was visiting Yvonne’s blog, Hello World where she often receives a shopping list and imagines things about the person or the list. She does other posts as well and also, apparently, writes books, which Continue Reading[...]