Wordless Wednesday

March 11, 2020 Herb 3
I’ve seen this title a few times around the Internet today, but there is always a comment attached to the photos or whatever. Or some Lorem Ipsum text, which was kind of weird. Especially since the original filler text, used by printers Continue Reading[...]


March 8, 2020 Herb 4
My friend came to talk to me at church tonight and was telling me something he had read about the latest scare the media has put into everyone. The question was asked, three hundred people died from Coronavirus this year and there Continue Reading[...]

Spring Forward!

March 7, 2020 Herb 2
I was over at Benjamin’s blog, Brother’s Campfire, and was reminded of Daylight Saving Time. I had thought of it a few odd times this week but had definitely forgotten it by tonight, which is when I needed to remember it. Someone Continue Reading[...]

Blog Reading

March 6, 2020 Herb 7
The problem that I have with pre-scheduling posts is that I get used to something being there and ready, then discovering that I haven’t done anything for today. Some posts require a lot more energy and time than others, though. I do Continue Reading[...]

Throw It Back Thursday

March 5, 2020 Herb 2
I am going to start another new weekly feature. Along with Curmudgeonly Monday, I am going to have “Throw It Back Thursday.” Sure, everybody else does “Throwback Thursday,” but I have some ideas for posts that stink so bad that they smell Continue Reading[...]

Math Problem

March 4, 2020 Herb 7
I guess I could have taken the time to rewrite this with modern-day prices and everything but this is the way it was told to me and I like it. I told it to a math teacher who became very annoyed because Continue Reading[...]

The Search

March 3, 2020 Herb 0
One day at the family reunion, some grandparents were reminiscing. Grandfather remarked, “I wonder whatever happened to the old-fashioned girls who fainted when a man kissed them.” Grandmother gave him a withering look, “What I’d like to know,” she said, “is what Continue Reading[...]

Burial Versus Cremation

March 1, 2020 Herb 8
This is one of those subjects that may be touchy to some people. I’m sorry if it rubs you the wrong way, but it is a thing I need to say and a thing I need to write about. Obviously (I know Continue Reading[...]