Preacher’s Donkey

September 7, 2019 Herb 0
This is an oldy but a goody. I think. A man bought a donkey from a preacher. The preacher told the man that this donkey had been trained in a very unique way (being the donkey of a preacher). The only way Continue Reading[...]

Poe’s Cat

September 5, 2019 Herb 4
I found this several years ago (The date stamp on the text file says 11/06/04) somewhere, floating around the Internet without any real attribution. Apparently, it is included in an anthology somewhere, but I could not find the original author’s name. I Continue Reading[...]

Working On A Project

September 3, 2019 Herb 2
I did some good work years ago by using a couple of books of writing prompts. I have a start on something new for you in the works.

What Do You Represent?

September 2, 2019 Herb 4
Life is full of symbols and representations. My work uniform represents something. People see it and form ideas, right or wrong, about me based on what they have seen or been exposed to previously. I have always been conscious of this whenever Continue Reading[...]


September 1, 2019 Herb 1
I reposted this because I found that even though I had reposted it on 4/6/2015 I could not find the original anywhere. Not in any folder on any backup drive anywhere. That worried me because this was really special to me. Subscribers Continue Reading[...]